Adega Machado

15 March 2020
Dear All,
Due to the fact that we are facing an emergency situation that threatens public health, the Fado & Food Group decided to close from March 16, all its establishments, Adega Machado, Café Luso, Clube de Fado, Timpanas.
A first contingency plan had been activated, but the worsening of the spread of the virus forced a new balance between risks and losses that led to the difficult decision now communicated.
We must look after the health of the many employees at Fado & Food Group and their families.
At the same time, with this drastic resolution, we assume the responsibility to protect the integrity of the hundreds of Clients who visit our establishments daily.
The Fado & Food Group follows closely and respects the developments related to Coronavirus / COVID-19, namely the recommendations of the Government, and Health authorities.
The Fado & Food Group comprises establishments that have survived several troubled periods in national and world history. The difficulties of this episode that we are going through will add another page to the certainty that our cultural roots are much deeper than any evil that afflicts us.
This pandemic also alerts us to the importance of investing more in our daily hygiene and safety practices.
As soon as we reopen the doors, we will have learned something more, the Fado & Food Group will be even more demanding and exemplary in reconciling its responsibilities to preserve memories, historical identities, and the Future that is announced each day.
Our Mission will continue.