Adega Machado

24 March 2017
After the restructuring works, the new museum opens doors to the public with the simultaneous inauguration of three exhibitions. Utopia / Dystopia – Paradigm Shift is a tribute to the 500th anniversary of the publication of Thomas More Utopia and reflects our age, marked by the paradox of optimism and anxiety. The work of the […]
After the restructuring works, the new museum opens doors to the public with the simultaneous inauguration of three exhibitions. Utopia / Dystopia – Paradigm Shift is a tribute to the 500th anniversary of the publication of Thomas More Utopia and reflects our age, marked by the paradox of optimism and anxiety.
The work of the Mexican Héctor Zamora occupies the Oval Gallery with Order and Progress, a performance-installation with wrecks of traditional Portuguese fishing boats.
The third exhibition – What I Am – gives us the opportunity to get to know the pieces that make up the EDP Foundation Art collection.
– Utopia / Dystopia – Paradigm Shift – until August 24
– Héctor Zamora, Order and Progress – until April 24
– What I Am – until May 29
17 March 2017
Art, like solidarity in a Contemporary Dance show that tells us the story of Nisreen, a Syrian refugee, in the eyes of a PAR volunteer, Rita Coelho, interpreted by the Dance Class of O Space. Today, 17th and 18th of March, at 9.30 pm, at the Auditorium of the Pedro Arrupe College, in Lisbon. The […]
Art, like solidarity in a Contemporary Dance show that tells us the story of Nisreen, a Syrian refugee, in the eyes of a PAR volunteer, Rita Coelho, interpreted by the Dance Class of O Space. Today, 17th and 18th of March, at 9.30 pm, at the Auditorium of the Pedro Arrupe College, in Lisbon.
The life story of Nisreen, a native of Damascus, the capital of Syria, where he lived and studied engineering. During the bombing he realized that he had to leave. He passed a long and lonely journey through Turkey and a dangerous sea crossing until he reached Lesbos (Greece).
17 March 2017
The Lisbon City Council has again applied for the European Mobility Week Award (EMWA). The 2016 edition of SEM registered the largest ever participation with 2427 cities, 550 more than in the year 2015. EMWA aims to reward municipalities that have developed the best practices for sustainable mobility, which have implemented one or more permanent […]
The Lisbon City Council has again applied for the European Mobility Week Award (EMWA).
The 2016 edition of SEM registered the largest ever participation with 2427 cities, 550 more than in the year 2015.
EMWA aims to reward municipalities that have developed the best practices for sustainable mobility, which have implemented one or more permanent measures that persist in the city, which contribute to the use of alternative modes of transport to the car.
The measures implemented, the intervention in the central axis of the city, Av. Da República and Av. Fontes Pereira de Melo, the program a square in each neighborhood, the requalification of the riverfront (Cais do Sodré, Corpo Santo and Campo das Cebolas) , Exemplary measures have been taken by the European Commission. The award ceremony for the winning city will take place in Brussels on 20 March.
17 March 2017
At Teatro São Luiz, the compatibility between Humor and Fado was reflected. The challenge came from comedians Ricardo Araújo Pereira and Bruno Nogueira, inserted in the cycles of conversations Tragedy + Time. The session was attended by the fadistas Camané, Ricardo Ribeiro and Celeste Rodrigues and the pianist Mário Laginha, who discussed the dimension of […]
At Teatro São Luiz, the compatibility between Humor and Fado was reflected. The challenge came from comedians Ricardo Araújo Pereira and Bruno Nogueira, inserted in the cycles of conversations Tragedy + Time.
The session was attended by the fadistas Camané, Ricardo Ribeiro and Celeste Rodrigues and the pianist Mário Laginha, who discussed the dimension of the presence of humor in music.
Fado became popular by singing tragedy and heartache, but it is possible to find humor and satire in some of its lyrics.
You can laugh with Fado. Fates, because they are so tragic, can become comical. Fadistas, especially men, attribute nicknames to each other. For example, Ricardo Ribeiro is the “pisa-papéis”, João Braga the “Mite”, Nuno da Câmara Pereira the “Perfeito Calhau”.
According to Camané, it is laughable when someone sings Fado with an accent or another language, because the Portuguese language is the only one that fits the sound.
17 March 2017
Four wines were included in the Top 100 list. Portugal thus equates to France, being surpassed only by Austria and Germany. The confirmation of the consistency of quality of Portuguese wines and this recognition is fundamental for professionals, whether importers, distributors or restaurants, to be more and more open to include Portuguese wines in their […]
Four wines were included in the Top 100 list. Portugal thus equates to France, being surpassed only by Austria and Germany.
The confirmation of the consistency of quality of Portuguese wines and this recognition is fundamental for professionals, whether importers, distributors or restaurants, to be more and more open to include Portuguese wines in their lists.